McLaren & Fitz Gerald 2000. In Vol. 2, Journal of the Virtual Explorer. Park, 2000. In Vol. 2, Journal of the Virtual Explorer. Urai & Humphreys 2000. In Vol. 2, Journal of the Virtual Explorer. Wilson & Marmo 2000. In Vol. 2, Journal of the Virtual Explorer. Metamorphic Petrology; Geology 102C note: as of 09/2001, some images herein borrowed from other websites have not been credited

Part 1. Overview of Metamorphism and Tectonics
Part 2. Introduction to Metamorphism
Part 3. Physical Processes of Metamorphism
Part 4. Introductory Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamics
Part 5. Ultramafic Rocks
Part 6. Mafic Rocks
Part 7. Pelitic Rocks
Part 8. Diffusion
Part 9. Thermobarometry
Part 10. Kinetics
Part 11. Interaction Between Metamorphism and Deformation
Part 12. Metamorphism and Geochronology
Part 13. Metamorphism and Tectonics I
Part 14. Metamorphism and Tectonics II
Thermodynamics Notes

Part 1. Overview of Metamorphism and Tectonics

Read Chapter 7 of An Introduction to Metamorphic Petrology by Bruce Yardley or Chapter 21 of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology by John Winter or Chapter 1 of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology by Philpotts

The Earth is divided into tectonic plates. The motion of these plates is dictated largely by metamorphic petrology--principally the pressure-induced transformation of relatively low density minerals into high density minerals.

The various plate-tectonic regimes of the Earth cause rocks to experience a broad range of pressures and temperatures, which leads to a broad range of metamorphic minerals and metamorphic rock types.

cratons (green): cratons are stable and relatively cold, with 'normal' thermal gradients of ~20 K/km.
orogens (red-orange): orogens are sites where crustal thickening, magmatism and radioactive elements lead to high temperatures, producing Barrovian metamorphism.
cooling orogens (orange): post-orogenic crustal thinning and cessation of magmatism lead to cooling to a normal thermal gradient.
mid-ocean ridges (red-orange): sea water is drawn into ocean crust around seafloor spreading centers, heated, and expelled back into the ocean, low P/T metamorphism (LP).

ophiolite soles (red): are thrust zones beneath very hot oceanic lithosphere emplaced onto passive continental margins; in contrast to other low P/T metamorphism, inverted metamorphic gradients form because the emplacement rate is rapid compared to the rate at which the extreme heat is conducted away.
subduction zones (blue): rapid subduction advects cold material into the mantle, producing high P/T metamorphism (HP).

continent-continent collisions: rapid crustal thickening produces high temperatures at moderate temperatures, followed by cooling

ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism: small pieces of continental material subducted to as much as 200 km are eventually regurgitated, leading to ultrahigh P/T metamorphism

Part 1. Overview of Metamorphism and Tectonics
Part 2. Introduction to Metamorphism
Part 3. Physical Processes of Metamorphism
Part 4. Introductory Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamics
Part 5. Ultramafic Rocks
Part 6. Mafic Rocks
Part 7. Pelitic Rocks
Part 8. Diffusion
Part 9. Thermobarometry
Part 10. Kinetics
Part 11. Interaction Between Metamorphism and Deformation
Part 12. Metamorphism and Geochronology
Part 13. Metamorphism and Tectonics I
Part 14. Metamorphism and Tectonics II
Thermodynamics Notes